Physical Therapy Services in Falcon, CO

Physical Therapy & Sports Performance That Gives You the Edge

Manual physical therapy services

Manual Therapy

Hands-on physical therapy treatment helps to restore physical function and mobility, promote recovery and healing, and decrease pain and discomfort.

Dry needling services

Dry Needling

Get dry needling from a physical therapist who is Dry Needling Certified and experience the potential of pain relief, improved movement, and restored muscle function.

Therapeutic cupping services


Therapeutic cupping can reduce inflammation and muscle spasms, provide pain relief, increase range of motion, and even loosen scars and adhesions.

Pre and post surgery physical therapy

Pre/Post Surgery Therapy

Physical therapy services provided before and after surgery can help to minimize surgery-related complications while optimizing function and recovery.

Individualized home exercise programs from PhysioEdge Physical Therapy

Individualized Home Exercise Programs

Customized home exercise programs are designed by a physical therapist and tailored to an individual's specific needs and mobility or rehabilitation goals.

Nutrition counseling for sports performance


We offer nutrition counseling from a Certified Sports Nutritionist and physical therapist with customized meal plans to optimize performance and overall health.

Movement assessments by PhysioEdge Physical Therapy

Movement Assessments

A thorough movement assessment by a physical therapist will help us determine which physical therapy services will best meet your performance and movement goals.

Sports rehab therapy by PhysioEdge Physical Therapy

Sports Rehab Therapy

From the weekend warrior to professional athlete, sports rehab therapy focuses on injury recovery, improved performance, and the safe return to sports post-surgery or injury.

Red light therapy

Red Light

Red light therapy is used by our physical therapist to stimulate soft tissue healing, reduce inflammation, and provide pain relief for improved function and mobility.

Movement assessments by PhysioEdge Physical Therapy

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training

BFR Training is aimed at improving muscle strength gains and muscle mass while utilizing lower training intensities by lifting lighter loads.

Hands-On Physical Therapy That Gives You The Edge